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User of the day

We give away a bonus to our best users of the day.

Current pot: 13.347!

You'll gain 1 AP per 100 bet on every game.
Have Fun and Good Luck

User of the day

Place Username Aps Prize
1 drops 58.475 6.674 Bonus     (50,00%)
2 worldmagic 5.650 3.337 Bonus     (25,00%)
3 Termius 2.500 2.002 Bonus     (15,00%)
4 echnaton 80 1.335 Bonus     (10,00%)
5 schoko1 10 0
6 nursch 10 0
7 stattnik 10 0
8 Merico 0 0
9 carlosesp 0 0


Place Username Aps Prize
1 drops 227.850 24.300 Bonus
2 worldmagic 11.760 12.150 Bonus
3 Termius 2.500 7.290 Bonus
4 Saarfuerst 840 4.860 Bonus